Communication and Implementation

The CRB is home to several significant carbon management projects, including the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub (PNWH2), CANstore, HERO, and the ANKERON Direct Air Capture Hub. Given the overlap in stakeholders across these initiatives, CaRBTAP will serve as a coordinating body, streamlining outreach and maximizing engagement efficiency across regional projects. This approach emphasizes proactive communication, aligning diverse projects under a shared strategy to deliver lasting social, economic, and environmental value.
Implementation will be led by experts from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), including senior research scientists and interdisciplinary specialists in social sciences, geology, geography, and planning. This diverse team ensures alignment across all engagement components. With contributions from professionals across disciplines, CaRBTAP is uniquely positioned to deliver an integrated and impactful engagement strategy that supports both project objectives and community well-being.